Defrosters for pickup truck rear windows

Truck Rear Window Defrosters
If you live in snow country you know rear window defroster can be handy on those cold winter mornings or when the going gets tough in bad conditions. Only about half of new trucks come with a rear defogger.
What to do if your truck did not come with rear defrost? Clear View are easy to install rear window defrosters for Ford, Chevrolet, Toyota, and Dodge pickups plus most other makes and models.
Clear View Pickup Truck defrosters provide factory defroster performance with an attractive finished look. Because trucks have glass that is relatively easy to access installing the Clear View defroster is easy.
Truck Rear Window Defrosters
Clear View Defrosters reliably melt snow and ice even in the coldest winter conditions. The defroster elements come on pre spaced rolls for perfect alignment and trimmed to the window size for a custom fit. The heating elements bond aggressively to the glass and are similar in color to factory elements.
The defroster is connected electrically to power and ground through the Clear View side buss bars. The defrosters have an electrical resistance which when powered results in heating performance similar to factory rear defrost.
Made right here in Colorado where we know winter, Clear View defrosters come as complete ready to install units including our ThermaSync defroster timer control and activation switch with defroster symbol and indicator light. The defroster switch can be mounted remotely from the control in the dash or using the under dash mount included with the unit.
A full wire harness with the color coded connectors and installation pack with fuse make it easy to install
Layout of the Clear View II 1209-4567-PIC Truck Defroster
Pickup Truck Rear Window Defroster – 11.25 in height
1209-4567-Pickup Truck Rear Window Defroster 11.25 inch - Complete
Easy to install rear window defroster for Ford, Chevrolet, Toyota, Dodge pickups plus most other truck makes and models.
This pickup truck rear window defroster kit includes 9 grid lines measuring 11.25 inches in height. Minimum length is 45 inches, maximum 67, trimmed during installation. Connection tabs are on the right and left. Complete pickup truck rear window defroster kit includes 2712 ThermaSync defroster control, switch, wire harness, and installation pack. This kit is ready to install. Ideal for new installations. 12 Volts, 100% modulation.
1209-4567-STK Truck Rear Window Defroster – Stick Kit
Stick Kit includes the defroster ONLY which can be connected to existing defroster wiring. Ideal for trucks which have factory installed defroster wiring but no defroster on the back glass. 12 Volts, 100% modulation.
Pickup Truck Rear Window Defroster – 15.00 in height
1212-4567-Pickup Truck Rear Window Defroster - Complete
Easy to install rear window defroster for Ford, Chevrolet, Toyota, Dodge pickups plus most other truck makes and models.
This pickup truck rear window defroster kit includes 9 grid lines measuring 15 inches in height. Minimum length is 45 inches, maximum 67, trimmed during installation. Connection tabs are on the right and left. Complete pickup truck rear window defroster kit includes 2712 ThermaSync defroster control, switch, wire harness, and installation pack. This kit is ready to install. Ideal for new installations. 12 Volts, 100% modulation.
1212-4567-STK Truck Rear Window Defroster - Stick Kit
Stick Kit includes the defroster ONLY which can be connected to existing defroster wiring. Ideal for trucks which have factory installed defroster wiring but no defroster on the back glass. 12 Volts, 100% modulation.
Defroster Accessories
Defroster controls with smarts
Clear View defrosters use 2812 ThermaSync controls which provide several options including operation of multiple defrosters with a single switch plus a range of automatic timing options from ten minutes to continuous operation. ThermaSync 2812/2824 controls are compatible with the Switch Boss which allows several defrosters to operate from a single switch.
More on ThermaSync Defroster Controls
Defrosters only require two electrical connections (positive and ground) which are made using the tabs integral to the defrosters side buss bars. The defroster control is easy to connect using the supplied wire harness. All defrosters include the ThermaSync timer controls, defroster activation switch, wire harness and installation pack for easy installation.
All Clear View defrosters come with a set of general instructions and attachment detailing the exact defroster being installed. Fully illustrated easy step-by-step layout helps speed installation.
Installation, everything is included
Delivered ready to install, Clear View II Defrosters include the ThermaSync control, defroster switch and installation pack including wiring harness, under dash mount, fuse, fuse holder, mounting screws, connectors and other installation accessories.
The installation pack make it easy to go from zero to full rear window defroster coverage in a few easy steps.
More on Defroster Installation Pack