Switch Boss Defroster Control

One switch activates many defrosters

The ThermaSync Switch Boss enables a single switch to activate almost any number of Clear View II defrosters using ThermaSync controls.

Ideal for equipment cabs, and other applications that require several defrosters to be activated by a single switch.

Each Switch Boss can control up to four defrosters. Connecting a second Switch Boss allows control of up to seven Clear View defrosters from one switch.

Switch Boss requires the use of 2812 and 2824 ThermaSync defroster controls.

2730 Switch Boss Defroster Network - $63.95

More Information

Tractors, snow moving equipment, trucks, crane cabs and other industrial equipment often have multiple windows that require defrosting. These defrosters can be activated individually each with dedicated switch. Switch Boss allows multiple defrosters to be activated from a single switch using 2812 or 2824 ThermaSync defroster controls.

ThermaSync controls must be configured to as a Master or Module to be compatible with Switch Boss.

ThermaSync Configuration

Any 2812/2824 ThermaSync defroster control can be configured as a Master or Module control by placing jumpers on the controls circuit board.

Master controls set the defroster timing interval from 10 to 160 minutes or manual off. The configuration of the Master control sets the timing cycle for all the defrosters connected to the Switch Boss.

Independent Power Modulation

Using power modulation 2812/2824 ThermaSync controls can regulate the apparent power a defroster receives. This feature is independent of the Master Control and allows different defroster sizes be used within a single Switch Boss defroster array.

Factory Configuration

All controls are configured at the factory to be operated with Switch Boss.

ThermaSync defroster control and Switch Boss

Switch Boss defroster control plugs in

2730 Switch Boss Defroster Network - $63.95

Switch Boss defroster control layout

Switch Boss defroster control drawing

Switch Boss Defroster Control. One switch control of multiple defrosters